Robert Zapata -- #07788-073

10 Years -- Methamphetamine Conspiracy

I am a 36-year-old Hispanic male. I am currently serving a 10-year nonparolable Federal Prison sentence for dealing in methamphetamine. I was charged with selling 6 ounces of meth, for which I received 5 years and because I was unwilling to cooperate with police, they added another 5 years for possessing a gun. The gun was never used in any way and I was not a felon forbidden from having a gun, it was simply a way for the police and prosecutor to double my sentence.

I am married and have five children and have been incarcerated since the day of my arrest. My wife lost the baby she was carrying due to the stress of my arrest and the harassment that followed. This whole ordeal has had a devastating effect on my children as well.

I don't understand why our government deals so harshly for a handful of drugs. I pray the American People will speak up and put an end to this insane Drug War and stop the destruction of American families. It's already too late to prevent what has happened to my family, but, if people will act NOW, maybe another family can be spared the pain, sorrow and agony that mine has and continues to experience.